Wednesday 14 August 2013

On the little things and the humdrum of Life in general

This week my mind has debated over what pearls of wisdom should be immortalised in blog-form from the World According to Lize. Unfortunately while the topics have been wide and varied, the level of interest that I would attach to each from an outsider's standpoint is proportionately small. The little daily happenings that make up the sum of it all create a momentum that merrily hums along, rising and falling, but how much to share?

Do I blog about the fall-out from the last race at Nowra? The pain I had in my side that turned out to be some minor kidney damage, enforcing a 'rest week'? Hm, no. Expansion on that point is hindered by the fact that I do not want to unnecessarily concern family members and also that I am aware that one's own injuries are not always as interesting to others (trust me, I'm a Professional?).

Do I blog about the weather and the amount of WIND Canberra has had over the past week? No. Despite the knowledge that most of my cyclist friends will religiously check the bom (or Elders) each morning before rising, talking about the weather is the most basic form of communication and I will not drag this blog down that road on only my third post (I'll save it!).

Do I blog about the uni course I had on all weekend, for which I paid a ridiculous amount of money to be told how to poke at a neck? Yes, this did require 2 full, glorious sunny Canberra days (oops. Refer to previous paragraph) to be spent indoors. No, I think not.

Do I blog about the offer of a semi-sponsorship offer I received from Hammer Nutrition this week? Tempting, but I feel need more time to build up to advertising products via FaceParty and/or Twitter first.

Do I blog about the intangible Fun found on single-track at Bruce Ridge this week? The chasing of illuminated wheels through tunnels of white-light on tracks made tacky by over-night rain, hidden from the wind? On legs that work under a body that is refreshed, with a mind that has been given the ok to forget about the humdrum of Life in general and just Ride?



  1. I like the rising and falling and merrily humming . . . like cycling really
